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Dealing With Eczema

What can you do to lessen symptoms? Itchy, red and dry. These three words best describes the rash that is known as eczema. It is a common problem in Utah. It can occur in infants, children, and adults. The cause…

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Breathe Better. Live Better.

Work-outs leaving you winded? It may be something more. Is this New Year starting as others -with New Year's resolutions? One of the more common goals made is to exercise more. What is your preference? P90X? Pilates? Or are you…

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Food Allergy ABCs

Here's a new checklist to help you help school staff be prepared for this school year   How would you feel if children were allowed to bring half-loaded guns to school? As more than 2.2 million children with food allergies…

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Summer Allergy Tips

Camping There's nothing like gooey s'mores around the campfire or canoeing with friends. Before heading outdoors for your camping trip, here are some tips to avoid triggers lurking outdoors and in the wilderness.   Air out equipment before you leave,…

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An Allergy Hard to Swallow

Do you have difficulty or pain swallowing food? Does food get stuck in your throat? Do you have frequent heartburn? Does your child regularly complain of abdominal pain or experience vomiting, trouble eating, or difficulty gaining weight? Do they refuse…

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Spring Allergies

Allergic Asthma vs. Non-Allergic Asthma   Seasonal allergic rhinitis, spring allergies, is one of the most common allergic conditions in the United States, affecting 35.9 million people. This condition is responsible for approximately 16.7 million office visits to health care…

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Suggestions for Gardening with Allergies

Suggestions for Gardening with Allergies As people start to work on their lawns and gardens, short and long-term precautions should be taken to control allergy symptoms. Asthma affects more than 20 million people in the United States. While asthma has…

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Live Life to the Fullest

Don't let allergies and asthma limit you in your daily activities Have you seen the movie Hitch with Will Smith and Kevin James? I think it was written by someone with allergies and asthma! First, consider that one of the…

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Got Allergies or Asthma? What to do?

One in five Americans suffer from allergies. Diagnosing and treating allergies and asthma is a specialized area of medicine that is usually treated by a physician that is board certified by the American Board of Allergy and Immunology. These physicians…

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